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  • Alvin Irregular Curve 17" Long (Armhole)

    As the name implies, the shape is irregular but functional as it is mainly used to create an ideal armhole in pattern making. This particular one is 17" long (...
  • Basic Seam Ripper

    Basic Plastic handles seam ripper, comes with a protective cover.
  • Clover Seamripper

    Well designed lightweight seam ripper from Japan.
  • Collins 20" Styling Design Ruler

    An all in one measuring tool, has an 18" graph ruler, curved top for the arm, curved along the side for the hip, and even a cut out slot in...
  • Fiskars Amplify Shears (8" or 10")

    Honed to razor sharpness, if you are cutting heavier fabrics, use this shear from Fiskars to help you move along. It is so sharp that it comes with a protective...
    From $29.99
  • Fiskars Bent 9" Shears

    Fiskars call this model their dress maker shears. It is a bent model so the fabric can stay flat while you cut the fabric. Sharp to the tip, use this...
  • Fiskars Micro 5", With Pointed Top

    5" stitcher scissors, sharp as can be, helpful to cut the smallest of details.
  • Fiskars Pinking Shears

    9" Pinking Shears, our most popular pinking shear to date, made by Fiskars. Bent handle to help keep the fabric flat while you cut. Stainless steel blades, high grade metal...
  • Fiskars Pinking Shears With Softgrip Lined Handles

    9" SOFTGRIP LINED HANDLE Pinking Shears, our most popular softgrip linned handle pinking shear to date, made by Fiskars. Bent handle to help keep the fabric flat while you cut....
  • Hoechstmass 60" Tape Measure (Soft or Retractable)

      Where quality matters, this is one of the best tape measures made. Inches on one side, centimeters on the other, best of the best in tape measures, 60 inches...
  • Lance 24" Irregular Curve

    Some call this a Hip Curve, but it is a 24" long Aluminum irregular curve, calibrated on 1 side in inches. It's ideal use is in making patterns for clothing and...
  • Lance 24" Metal Hip Curve

    This hip curve is a traditional tool for most seamstresses and pattern makers. Made from a sturdy lightweight aluminum, most useful to create most curves needed to create most patterns.
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