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  • Pantone Metallic Shimmers Textile Paper Metallic Sheet 20-0166 Thunderhead

    The Thunderhead 20-0166 TPM is an individual Metallics Shimmers sheet (TPM) which is a 8.5" x 11" paper sheet with a removable packaging header and is packed in a clear...
  • Pantone Metallic Shimmers Textile Paper Metallic Sheet 20-0165 Breakers

    The Breakers 20-0165 TPM is an individual Metallics Shimmers sheet (TPM) which is a 8.5" x 11" paper sheet with a removable packaging header and is packed in a clear...
  • Pantone Metallic Shimmers Textile Paper Metallic Sheet 20-0164 Glass-Sea

    The Glass-Sea 20-0164 TPM is an individual Metallics Shimmers sheet (TPM) which is a 8.5" x 11" paper sheet with a removable packaging header and is packed in a clear...
  • Pantone Metallic Shimmers Textile Paper Metallic Sheet 20-0163 Blue Snow

    The Blue Snow 20-0163 TPM is an individual Metallics Shimmers sheet (TPM) which is a 8.5" x 11" paper sheet with a removable packaging header and is packed in a...
  • Pantone Metallic Shimmers Textile Paper Metallic Sheet 20-0162 Black Aqua

    The Black Aqua 20-0162 TPM is an individual Metallics Shimmers sheet (TPM) which is a 8.5" x 11" paper sheet with a removable packaging header and is packed in a...
  • Pantone Metallic Shimmers Textile Paper Metallic Sheet 20-0161 Beetle Wing

    The Beetle Wing 20-0161 TPM is an individual Metallics Shimmers sheet (TPM) which is a 8.5" x 11" paper sheet with a removable packaging header and is packed in a...
  • Pantone Metallic Shimmers Textile Paper Metallic Sheet 20-0160 English Channel

    The English Channel 20-0160 TPM is an individual Metallics Shimmers sheet (TPM) which is a 8.5" x 11" paper sheet with a removable packaging header and is packed in a...
  • Pantone Metallic Shimmers Textile Paper Metallic Sheet 20-0159 Fantasy

    The Fantasy 20-0159 TPM is an individual Metallics Shimmers sheet (TPM) which is a 8.5" x 11" paper sheet with a removable packaging header and is packed in a clear...
  • Pantone Metallic Shimmers Textile Paper Metallic Sheet 20-0158 Azul Marino

    The Azul Marino 20-0158 TPM is an individual Metallics Shimmers sheet (TPM) which is a 8.5" x 11" paper sheet with a removable packaging header and is packed in a...
  • Pantone Metallic Shimmers Textile Paper Metallic Sheet 20-0157 Moonlit Blue

    The Moonlit Blue 20-0157 TPM is an individual Metallics Shimmers sheet (TPM) which is a 8.5" x 11" paper sheet with a removable packaging header and is packed in a...
  • Pantone Metallic Shimmers Textile Paper Metallic Sheet 20-0156 Scintillating Sea

    The Scintillating Sea 20-0156 TPM is an individual Metallics Shimmers sheet (TPM) which is a 8.5" x 11" paper sheet with a removable packaging header and is packed in a...
  • Pantone Metallic Shimmers Textile Paper Metallic Sheet 20-0155 Moody Blue

    The Moody Blue 20-0155 TPM is an individual Metallics Shimmers sheet (TPM) which is a 8.5" x 11" paper sheet with a removable packaging header and is packed in a...
  • Pantone Metallic Shimmers Textile Paper Metallic Sheet 20-0154 Rolling Waters

    The Rolling Waters 20-0154 TPM is an individual Metallics Shimmers sheet (TPM) which is a 8.5" x 11" paper sheet with a removable packaging header and is packed in a...
  • Pantone Metallic Shimmers Textile Paper Metallic Sheet 20-0153 Aquatopia

    The Aquatopia 20-0153 TPM is an individual Metallics Shimmers sheet (TPM) which is a 8.5" x 11" paper sheet with a removable packaging header and is packed in a clear...
  • Pantone Metallic Shimmers Textile Paper Metallic Sheet 20-0152 Han Blue

    The Han Blue 20-0152 TPM is an individual Metallics Shimmers sheet (TPM) which is a 8.5" x 11" paper sheet with a removable packaging header and is packed in a...
  • Pantone Metallic Shimmers Textile Paper Metallic Sheet 20-0151 Blue Morpho

    The Blue Morpho 20-0151 TPM is an individual Metallics Shimmers sheet (TPM) which is a 8.5" x 11" paper sheet with a removable packaging header and is packed in a...
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